
The Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management degree is an undergraduate programme that prepares students for professional careers in the field of marketing. This emphasises the techniques and methods of managing and planning for marketing. Students proceed through the curriculum in a planned sequence that culminates with the development of a marketing plan.

The programme focuses on proven practices and application of theory covering research, the nature of consumers, sales management, advertising, quality management, law and ethics in the marketing environment. The programme also introduces students to critical thinking skills by providing them with practical marketing principles, examples and case studies, all of which develop the student’s cognitive abilities and enable them to develop marketing strategies for their organisations.

This programme is offered through online learning and digital support.



A Bachelor’s Degree is the minimum entry requirement for admission onto a Postgraduate Diploma or a cognate Honours degree.




Embark on a trajectory leading to positions such as:

  • Marketing Manager/ Coordinator
  • Advertising Manager
  • Brand Manager
  • Public Relations Manager
