Beyond Borders: Opportunities with an International Business Degree

In this article, we’ll discuss the role of international business, key opportunities, and more so you can decide whether this career is right for you.


An International Business Degree can open opportunities for IB graduates to pursue lucrative careers.

With market expansions, global supply chains, and fast economic development, companies require individuals skilled in international business practices.

MANCOSA’s BCom courses, like an International Business Degree equips students with all the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in IB.

In this article, we’ll discuss the role of international business, key opportunities, and more so you can decide whether this career is right for you.

What is the role of international business?

International business (IB) is crucial in today’s globalised economy. It involves the exchange of products, goods, services, and information across national borders.

This is crucial for several reasons, including:

  • Market expansion: It allows businesses to expand their customer base and tap into new markets.
  • Economic development: It can lead to job creation and encourage foreign direct investment, bringing in capital, technology, and managerial expertise.
  • Cultural exchange: IB exposes countries to different cultures, customs, and behaviours. It also encourages companies to adapt communication and marketing strategies to suit other regions.
  • Innovation and technology transfer: It enables the transfer of technology and knowledge across borders. As a result, it fosters innovation and enhances the capabilities of both developed and developing countries.
  • Global supply chains: International business enables the creation of global supply chains, which allows businesses to get materials from different parts of the world. This can reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Studying towards a MANCOSA BCom in international business degree can help you learn all the skills required to help domestic and global businesses with IB.

Key opportunities opening up in international business

The evolving landscape of international business and its continuous innovations and improvements have broadened the horizons for graduates.

Market expansion

  • Previously untapped markets: IB allows graduates to help establish and grow companies in regions that were initially overlooked but now hold economic potential. Digital accessibility further opens doors to markets that were previously hard to reach.
  • Benefits of new audiences/consumers: Access to new audiences allows for a more inclusive approach to business since graduates can take their knowledge of consumer preferences and behaviours and tailor their products and services.
  • Larger audience: International business results in more sales and revenue for companies and allows them to achieve cost efficiencies by spreading marketing expenses across a more extensive customer base.
  • Diversifying income streams: Expanding into new markets offers businesses a way to diversify income streams, reducing reliance on specific markets or products. International business graduates can contribute to identifying and capitalising on opportunities that lead to more balanced and resilient revenue portfolios.
  • Gain a competitive advantage: Businesses that enter previously unexplored markets can gain a competitive advantage and establish themselves as leaders. IB graduates can help to create strategies that position their companies as pioneers and build brand loyalty.
  • Improved regulatory and trade agreements: Graduates operating in an environment of enhanced regulatory and trade agreements can easily navigate international business. These streamlined processes and reduced trade barriers result in a more seamless flow of goods and services.

Strategic partnerships and collaborations

Strategic alliances, mergers, and acquisitions are essential for global business expansion. It offers various advantages that contribute to business growth and profitability, which makes an international business degree all the more relevant.

By forming partnerships with local companies or established players in a new market, businesses can gain more accessible access to unfamiliar territories. It also allows them to share risks and responsibilities.

An example of a strategic partnership is Starbucks and Nestlé’s Partnership. Starbucks entered into a global coffee alliance with Nestlé, leveraging Nestlé’s distribution and production capabilities to expand its reach beyond its traditional retail outlets.

Global innovation and technology adoption

The digital revolution is at the forefront of change, significantly impacting how businesses function and market themselves.

The emergence of eCommerce platforms and social media has dissolved traditional market boundaries, making accessibility and online presence critical for success.

For instance, blockchain technology offers transaction transparency. This enhances trust in cross-border activities. Similarly, the Internet of Things (IoT) optimises supply chain management and provides real-time insights into logistics.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised business operations.

AI’s role in data analysis and customer service exemplifies efficiency and personalisation. Companies like Amazon and Takealot leverage AI for predictive analytics, enhancing customer experiences and operational efficiency.

Furthermore, AI-driven risk assessments in financial services exemplify how machine learning can enhance decision-making processes in international investments.

Cultural intelligence and integration

​​Global expansion goes beyond mere market penetration, and cultural intelligence plays a pivotal role in the success of IB operations.

Here’s how a better understanding and acceptance of cultural intelligence and integration have benefited companies in their pursuit of global opportunities:

  • Enhanced communication and relationship building.
  • Allows businesses to adapt their offers to local preferences and needs.
  • It helps companies navigate legal landscapes by ensuring local laws and regulations compliance.
  • Companies focusing on cultural integration in their workforce benefit from diverse perspectives, innovative thinking, and increased adaptability.
  • Companies that actively engage with and contribute to local communities build goodwill and enhance their reputation.

Register for an International Business Degree

If you want to join this extremely lucrative and ever-growing industry, consider enrolling in the Bachelor of Commerce in International Business Degree.
A course like this, focused on international business studies, will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the IB industry and build a prosperous future for yourself.